Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Programming Truths

Repeat after me:
Programming is difficult

Again, for effect:
Programming is difficult

Here something else to ponder about:
Just because the computer seems to do what you wanted it to do, does not mean you've written the program correctly.

A analogy to a pack of cards that collapses because one card wasn't properly placed at the bottom is helpful to understand the above.

And above all:
If your code isn't working, it's not perfect.

Never come up to me and tell me "My code's perfect, but it's not working". Please re-parse that sentence to understand how silly it is. I've lost count of the number of people who tell me that. The computer makes mistakes, but more often than not, your code's not right. Let alone perfect.

And yes, of course:
Perfect code is a thing of beauty.

Never forget that.

1 comment:

Jugal said...

Summary of what you went through between 2002 and 2006?