Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Meanlix gets some new hardware

I put in a much overdue USB 2.0 4+1 PCI extension card into meanlix today. That means the USB proliferation (and slowness!) has been limited. Going from a single USB1.1 slot to 4 USB2.0 slots should bring a sigh of relief to my gadget-happy siblings whose appetite for cameras, mobile phones and music players rather strained that single slot. And there's still an extra slot for that another USB gadget.

Another change I made was to put in another network card into meanlix, making it so much more easier to setup bonszai to access the Internet. No more swapping cables, now the net is shared between both the PCs. Maybe I should've gone further and put in a Wifi-adapter instead. Then I'd be able to roam the house with wi-fi in every corner. Maybe ...

Meanlix now has used up nearly all of its PCI slots, just one left, which is a first for my computers (and I think for most computers).

P.S.: Anybody got good PC100 256MB/512MB SD-RAM? I'd like to buy (after testing) please.

1 comment:

Savio Monteiro said...

I think I have gerard's SD RAM it's 256MB!
He wanted me to sell it!
Don't know if it's a PC100 or whatever!

Will show it to you on Saturday!