Friday, August 18, 2006


So it was finally laid to rest. The 7-year old 14" monitor, the last-but-one-remnant of my first computer, is no more. May it rest in peace.

The Samsung 4Bni was a nice monitor to work with, if a bit troublesome. Within two years, it had two "crashes", which caused it to hiss in a wierd manner. Those were fixed, albeit leaving movies a bit darker, and the next 5 years were peaceful. Last December, a curious high-pitched whistle started emanating at 1024x768, dying down only when I switched to 800x600. Within a few weeks, the hisses were back.

I was reluctant to repair it, given that it had served so long, and so set out to buy a new one. Shortage of funds meant that I would have to continue working with it. Thankfully (?), RSI made me largely stop using the computer, which rendered the question of when to buy it redundant.

When I did get back to it, it seemed better, but would not start up. Eventually, I would boot blind, and it was only in the 800x600 mode that it would come on. By July-end, it had stopped doing that too. Given that I would be moving soon at that time, and then could work headlessly, the computer was operated without the monitor.

But given I'm not the only user of the computer, pressure kept mounting, until it finally resulted in this 17" Samsung 793S:

Given my experience with the 793DF (that I'm typing on, and which differs only in the dot pitch with the 793S), it looks to be a good monitor. Here's wishing it a long life.

BTW, the Linux Addict is not me.

1 comment:

Manish Agrawal said...

It's nice to know that you are not an 'addict'!